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Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud (with Front and Side Push Bars)

  • Item #: 107621
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  • Model: 56229C
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  • Manufacturer: Elkay

The Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud is for Elkay EZ series drinking fountains with front and side push bars. This shroud mounts between the upper basin and the main frame of the drinking fountain. The shroud assembly comes with the pushbars, switches, and wiring harness already installed.

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Posted on Monday, April 17, 2017 on product Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud (with Front and Side Push Bars)
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    Yes, this Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud (with Front and Side Push Bars) (Part #107621) fits all Elkay EZ Series Drinking Fountains including the EZS8L_1C.

    If you have any other questions our experts are here to help! Call or text 800-518-5388

    Posted by Kully Supply on Monday, April 17, 2017
Posted on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 on product Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud (with Front and Side Push Bars)
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    A: First, you will need to remove the front panel. Then you will take the four screws off around the upper shroud. After you remove the screws, the basin should lift straight up off. You will need to disconnect the water line going to bubbler. It is connected by a small quick connect fitting.
    Posted by Kully Supply on Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Posted on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 on product Elkay 56229C Upper Shroud (with Front and Side Push Bars)
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    A: In order to replace the upper shroud, you will need to take the screws off of the front panel wrapper and remove. You will then see two screws on each side of the unit holding the shroud onto the frame of the unit. Take those out and the shroud will lift up along with the basin. You will have to disconnect the water line to the bubbler to completely get the basin off.
    Posted by Kully Supply on Wednesday, December 4, 2013

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